In the News

Microscopic picture of egg cells and embryos
By Rob Stein, National Public Radio [cites Marcy Darnovsky] | 02.01.2019

A scientist in New York is conducting experiments designed to modify DNA in human embryos as a step toward someday...

Black, purple, and blue galaxy in the back with a mirrored image of a young girl looking at each other.
By Claudia Geib, Futurism [cites CGS] | 04.16.2018

If sci-fi writers of the past somehow visited us today, they might wonder: where are all the clones?

As recently...

Against a shirt with black and gold stripes, a sticker reads "Do you care?" in a thought/speech bubble.
By Edward Hockings and Lewis Coyne, Ethics and Genetics [cites CGS] | 01.20.2017


  • UK biosciences policy has become increasingly motivated by economic considerations in recent years, at the expense, we believe...

Biopolitical Times

During this time of social distancing, many people are off work, working from home, or skipping events and obligations that...

Trends in Biotechnology has published an important new statement authored by CGS’ Katie Hasson (program director on genetic justice), Marcy Darnovsky...

China has announced the sentencing of He Jiankui, the scientist whose attempts at heritable genome editing led to the births...