Aggregated News

C. Scott Tocher, Interim Counsel
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
210 Kings Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

RE: Re-comment on CIRM Medical and Ethical Standards regulations

Dear Mr. Tocher,

On behalf of the Pro-Choice Alliance for Responsible Research and the Center for Genetics and Society, we are submitting these re-comments to the proposed California Institute of Regenerative Medicine's Medical and Ethical Standards regulations (17 Cal. Code of Regs §100010 - 100130).

We are especially concerned about the provisions that impact women's health and reproductive decision-making and have noted them first.

Section 100095 Additional Requirements for CIRM-Funded Research Involving Ooctyes

Interfering with the doctor-patient relationship

The intent of the revision of the regulation pertaining to women who provide eggs both for fertility and research purposes was to create clarity, but we are concerned that the new language has not achieved that goal. Instead, the new language raises more questions than it answers, and neither researchers nor fertility physicians have been given guidance as to their responsibilities to their patients. Every fertility physician's first responsibility is to her/her patient who is seeking...