Aggregated News

A new direct-to-consumer ad campaign for a breast-cancer gene test is reigniting a debate over who really needs the test and whether it will induce low-risk women to take drastic measures to prevent the disease.

At issue is a series of ads to promote Myriad Genetics Inc.'s test for so-called BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene mutations. The mutations, while rare, signal a high risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer in affected women. Women who find they carry the mutations often take steps to lessen their risk. That can mean more frequent screenings and taking certain preventive drugs, but also can include prophylactic surgical removal of a woman's breasts or ovaries.

The gene tests aren't foolproof, however. And some experts worry that a campaign calling attention to a rare condition could create unnecessary fear -- sending thousands of healthy women with no family history of cancer into the doctor's office demanding tests that won't help them. Or lead others to a false sense of security about their results.

"Marketing has the capacity to raise public awareness -- a good...