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Every year, thousands of women suffer terrible physical side-effects and heartbreak as they go through gruelling IVF in their desperation to become mums.

But now, a revolutionary new form of IVF could make their dreams come true without the suffering and at a fraction of the cost.

The technique - Soft IVF - uses fewer drugs, significantly reducing the side-effects which the hormone injections in conventional treatment often cause.

It is also around half the price of the standard approach - about £2,000 compared to at least £4,000.

This month, at a fertility conference in London, doctors agreed Soft IVF was the future in fertility medicine.

They said the treatment - also known as Mild IVF - has good success rates and is safer for women because it interferes less with their body's natural chemistry.

Professor Bart Fauser, head of Reproductive Medicine in Utrecht, The Netherlands, has been recommending it over conventional IVF for the past three years.

"The evidence is that a mild approach significantly reduces the risks and side-effects," he says.

Dr Geeta Nargund, Head of Reproductive...