
Hosted by Dr. Gordon Atherley

Guest Information

Enola G. Aird

Marcy Darnovsky, PhD

Episode Description

Enola G. Aird is a lawyer, activist mother, and founder and director of Mothers for a Human Future, Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, is Executive Director of the Center for Genetics and Society, They talk about their lives and work, and the missions of their organizations. They explain the harmfulness, such as undermining of the dignity and well-being of children and the health and the safety of future generations, that they see in the ways in which human genetic engineering and assisted reproductive technologies are developing. They discuss the progress in combating the harmfulness and describe the steps they advocate to increase the progress. They say what they would like to do and see done by healthcare and social systems and the research community to combat the harmfulness of human genetic engineering and assisted reproductive technologies that they are most concerned about.