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CIRM’s mission is to accelerate the delivery of stem cell treatments to patients with unmet medical needs. In pursuit of this mission CIRM consistently supports studies designed to apply the latest advances in research and medicine. For example, CIRM has supported the development some of the first therapies utilizing human embryonic stem cells. Another example where advanced methods are being employed are clinical trials for HIV/AIDS. In this example, the treatment utilizes genome-editing technology to make the patient’s immune system resistant to infection.

Genome editing has attracted considerable attention since a report of this technology being used to modify human embryos was recently published. Reports of embryo editing have prompted concerns that it may be used to permanently alter our genetic heritage, and have resulted in a broad consensus that there is a need for open discussion of the merits and risks of these technologies by a range of participants – scientists, clinicians, social scientists, the general public, and relevant public entities and interest groups.

CIRM has consistently sought to address, in a comprehensive and...