
An international meeting of leading scientists has said it would be "irresponsible" to allow the creation of genetically altered humans.

But they said basic research involving embryo gene editing should continue in order to improve understanding of human biology.

As scientific knowledge advances and societal views evolve, they added, the clinical use of genetically modified embryos should be revisited on a "regular basis".

The gene editing summit in Washington was organised to discuss new techniques which enable researchers to alter human DNA.

Genetic enhancement has been a favourite theme for science fiction writers. The film Gattaca imagined a world where children were conceived through gene manipulation.

A Brave New World of designer humans - although still a long way off - has moved a step closer as a result new gene editing techniques.

Three years ago scientists invented a new simple cut-and-paste system, called CRISPR-Cas9, for editing DNA.

Scientists across the world immediately adopted this rapid, cheap and accessible tool in order to speed up their research.

For patients with blood, immune, muscle or skin disorders it offers the hope...