The Center for Genetics and Society brings social justice and human rights to the center of public and policy discussions about human genetics and assisted reproduction.


Aggregated News

A young couple wants to have a baby, but they’re worried it’ll carry a disease that runs in the family. “There’s a solution,” the doctor says, “a technology that can alter the disease-causing gene in the egg, ensuring that the...

Aggregated News

Photo by TeggorMindFish via Wikimedia Commons, licensed under
the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

It's a new year, which, for Simone Collins, means a new pregnancy.

This will be her sixth pregnancy since 2019, and, if...

Biopolitical Times

President Trump scored a bunch of generally favorable mainstream headlines recently by announcing that he was ordering expanded access to...

Aggregated News

In an open statement, civil society groups, scientists, and academics are challenging the democratic legitimacy of any conclusions or policy...

Biopolitical Times

Riquet Mammoth Kakao (c.1920) 
by Ludwig Hohlwein, Public Domain via Flickr

Colossal, the de-extinction company, scored headlines (1...

President Trump scored a bunch of generally favorable mainstream headlines recently by announcing that he was ordering expanded access to...

This month’s gene therapy news includes celebrations of promising new developments running beside gloomy takes on the future of the...


In an open statement, civil society groups, scientists, and academics are challenging the democratic legitimacy of any conclusions or policy proposals that may arise from the 2025 Spirit of Asilomar and the Future of Biotechnology conference currently running from 23-26...

One of the greatest scandals in modern science began with a late-2010s advertisement for HIV-positive couples looking to have children through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). The ad had been put out by a scientist named He Jiankui, a biologist then at...

Pfizer is pulling further away from the gene therapy field with its decision to discontinue hemophilia product Beqvez.

The New York pharma is ending global development and commercialization of Beqvez less than a year after an FDA approval for the...

Bluebird Bio will sell itself to private equity firms Carlyle and SK Capital for about $30 million, the company said Friday, marking the end of the Bluebird’s fall from the one of the buzziest biotech firms to one that was...


Reproduction and Family Formation: The State and the Market
Use Gene Editing to Make Better Babies | Debate | Intelligence Squared U.S.
The 'Perfect' Baby?: The Dangers of Gene Editing in Assisted Reproduction