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Genesis Egg Donation & Surrogacy Group, Pasadena, CA.
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With China’s controversial one-child policy no longer in effect, the U.S. is seeing a huge jump in surrogacy-related services.

Ideal Legal Group Inc., a family law firm in Alhambra that specializes in international surrogacy, has already experienced an uptick.

“We had a total of six clients for all of last year, but we’ve already had four clients just for the month of April this year,” said Evie Jeang, the law firm’s founder and managing partner. “I see lots of surrogacy agencies popping up. They’re doing a lot of advertising — but it’s in Chinese, not English.”

The group, which also has offices in New York and San Francisco, also offers legal services in family law and workers compensation.

“I have people come up to me asking for help to form a business or corporation,” Jeang said. “They want to be the connector to help the Chinese couples who come to us for referrals to clinics and surrogacy agencies. This is like a new wave of business.”

The government of the People’s Republic of China intended to slow...