Katie Hasson

Katie Hasson, PhD, writes, speaks, researches, and teaches about the social and political aspects of human genetic and reproductive technologies. Katie earned her PhD in Sociology with a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality from the University of California, Berkeley, and was previously Assistant Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at the University of Southern California.

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In the News

Vertical lines of diffuse blue lights on a dark background
By Donna Dickenson, Katie Hasson & Marcy Darnovsky, Project Syndicate | 03.17.2020

The announcement by the Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui in November 2018 that he had created the world’s first gene-edited babies...

Global with DNA letter around it
By Roberto Andorno, Françoise Baylis, Marcy Darnovsky, Donna Dickenson, Hille Haker, Katie Hasson, Leah Lowthorp, et al., Trends in Biotechnology | 01.31.2020

Heritable Human Genome Editing: Nearing a Critical Juncture

The impending decision about whether to develop and use heritable human genome...

photo of a world cloud
By Katie Hasson and Marcy Darnovsky, Development Journal | 01.14.2020

As genetic technologies merge with forensics, medicine, and human reproduction, renewed eugenic temptations are arising. The prospect of heritable genetic...

Biopolitical Times

Twenty years after its release, the film Gattaca remains an enduring touchstone for discussions of human genetic technologies. Starring Ethan...

Last January, CGS predicted that gene editing would be one of the biggest science stories of the year. This has...

What might have been the story of the year turned out to be a disappointment. On February 14th, the National...