CGS in the News

The National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) has confirmed that heritable human genome editing (HHGE) remains illegal in South Africa, after changes in the latest version of the South African Ethics in Health Research Guidelines sparked concern among researchers that...

A little-noticed change to South Africa’s national health research guidelines, published in May of this year, has put the country on an ethical precipice. The newly added language appears to position the country as the first to explicitly permit...

By Hannah Devlin, Tom Burgis, David Pegg, and Jason Wilson, The Guardian [cites CGS’ Katie Hasson] | 10.18.2024

A US startup company is offering to help wealthy couples screen their embryos for IQ using controversial technology that raises...

a hand holding a pregnancy test with many other pregnancy tests surrounding it
By Tracy Lowe, Parentology [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 06.21.2023

If you could choose the healthiest embryo to carry so that your future child could avoid deadly diseases, would you...

artificial intelligence logo
By Alexandre Piquard, Le Monde [cites Marcy Darnovsky] | 06.13.2023

Après une période assez défensive dans le secteur de la tech, des dirigeants comme Sam Altman, le père de ChatGPT...

a graphic featuring test tubes and gametes
By Karen Weintraub, USA Today [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 04.23.2023

Scientists are getting closer to the possibility of making a new person from skin or blood cells – without the need for...

IVF with the cells in the embryo in the shape of a question mark
By Natasha Mitchell, ABC [feat. CGS' Katie Hasson] | 03.17.2023

Chinese scientist Dr Jiankui He flouted the law and bioethics basics to create the world's first CRISPR gene edited babies...

A wrench on top of the human genome to symbolize gene editing
By Grace Browne, Wired [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 03.17.2023

Last Week in London, a small group of protestors braved it out in the rain in front of the Francis...

a woman in a lab coat looks at DNA under a microscope
By Rob Stein, NPR [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 03.06.2023

Hundreds of scientists, doctors, bioethicists, patients, and others started gathering in London Monday for the Third International Summit on Human...

He Jiankui at his panel in 2018
By Smriti Mallapaty, Nature [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 02.12.2023

He Jiankui, the Chinese biophysicist who shocked the world by creating the first children with edited genomes, says research must...

Silhouettes of 4 people layered on the left, chunk of genetic code in between 2 DNA helices overlapping a graphic of Earth
By Josh Zumbrun, The Wall Street Journal [Cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 05.20.2022

Photo by National Human Research Institute on Flickr

Earlier this year, the police in Eugene, Ore., said they had identified...