Human Rights

Human rights law and discourse help to ensure respect for individual worth and the common good in the face of powerful biotechnologies. Claims to universal human rights depend, in part, on formal recognition of our common humanity. Drawing on human rights as a broad framework for establishing policies regarding human biotechnologies, both the Council of Europe’s Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention) and UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights  reject genetic modifications that would alter the genomes of future generations.


What do recent advances in molecular genetics have to do with human rights? Quite a lot, it turns out. And key human rights documents have recognized this for some time.

Over the past few years, new “gene editing” tools that...

Biopolitical Times
The “Geneva Statement” is a robust and cautionary statement about the future of heritable genome editing that brings new voices and perspectives to a conversation that has so far been dominated by scientists and bioethicists.
Internal Content

To: The Biden-Harris Administration

From: Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Genetics and Society[1]

December 2020






Human Cloning and Genetic Technology

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The Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Center for Genetics and Society, and the Worldwatch Institute cordially invite you to a briefing and discussion on

Human Cloning and Genetic Technology: The Global Challenge to Social Justice, Human Rights and the Environment

Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm (light refreshments afterward!)
Location: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Root Room (Second Floor)
1779 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036
Metro: Dupont Circle (Red Line)


Richard Hayes, Executive Director, Center for Genetics and Society
Jurema Werneck, Executive Director, CRIOLA - Afro-Brazilian Women's Movement
John Passacantando, Executive Director, Greenpeace USA
Gina Maranto, University of Miami, Author of The Quest for Perfection
Brian Halweil, Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute

Moderator: Marc Berthold, Program Director, Heinrich Böll Foundation

The new human genetic technologies hold both great promise and great peril. Come hear why liberals, progressives, environmentalists, feminists, human rights advocates, disability rights leaders and others are concerned, and what they believe is the responsible course of action now.

RSVP with name, title, organization, department, phone, fax, and email to Ronny Kittler, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Phone: (202) 462-7512, Fax (202) 462-5230, Email:

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The Global Challenge to Social Justice, Human Rights and the Environment
Press Statement

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Close-up of metallic double helix structure called “Bootstrap DNA” in Kew Gardens.

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