CGS in the News

The National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) has confirmed that heritable human genome editing (HHGE) remains illegal in South Africa, after changes in the latest version of the South African Ethics in Health Research Guidelines sparked concern among researchers that...

A little-noticed change to South Africa’s national health research guidelines, published in May of this year, has put the country on an ethical precipice. The newly added language appears to position the country as the first to explicitly permit...

By Hannah Devlin, Tom Burgis, David Pegg, and Jason Wilson, The Guardian [cites CGS’ Katie Hasson] | 10.18.2024

A US startup company is offering to help wealthy couples screen their embryos for IQ using controversial technology that raises...

A close-up on a hand with a pen writing on pieces of paper on a desk.
By Marcy Darnovsky, Boston Review | 11.19.2018

In her essay, Merve Emre declares that “all reproduction . . . is assisted.” Few feminists of any wave or...

Pipet in test tubes
By Emanuela Campanella, Global News [Cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 11.01.2018

The Canadian Border Services Agency is collecting the DNA of immigrants and using ancestry websites to find long-lost family members...

Technician working with test tubes
By Larry Mantle, KPCC AirTalk [features Marcy Darnovsky] | 09.12.2018

In 2004, Voters approved Proposition 71 by nearly 60 percent establishing a $3 billion bond to fund the science of...

Book cover for Beyond Bioethics with twisted DNA strand on a yellow background.
By Jordan Liz, Metapsychology Online Reviews [Review of the book edited by CGS' Osagie K Obasogie and Marcy Darnovsky] | 09.04.2018

From the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep, to the FDA's approval of BiDil as the first race-specific medication to...

Illustration of a DNA strand inside a syringe
By Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 08.15.2018

U.S. health officials are eliminating special regulations for gene therapy experiments, saying that what was once exotic science is quickly...

A cradle and a rocking chair occupy a baby room painted pink.
By Rebecca Gale, Dame [Cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 08.14.2018

In our on-demand era of reproductive liberty and technology, a child’s sex isn’t always left up to chance. As more...

An individual's hand is held to a scanning machine for fingerprinting.
By Sarah Russo, The Technoskeptic [Cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 08.01.2018

A common belief of technocentrism is that if we have the ability, why not use it? The rapid advancements in...

Image of a recently fertilized egg with few cells.
By Richard Hayes, Financial Times | 07.18.2018

The Nuffield Council’s approval of the creation of genetically modified children is inexcusable (“ Human gene editing morally permissible, says...

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